2007, 2013
2007, 2013
In this guerrilla art act , Chim↑Pom attracts crows, using a stuffed crow and the
recorded sounds of crow calls playing from speakers. Utilizing the natural behavior
of crows to save fellow captured crows, we managed to gather many crows in front
of Japan National Diet Building and in the busy streets of Shibuya. Crows that infest
all over Japan including Tokyo have been evolving and becoming smarter like super
rats as they gain nutrition from food waste and improve resistance towards
extermination. In 2013, the idea was used again and assembled crows that
proliferated whilst feeding on livestock left in the exclusion zone in Fukushima and
shepherded them out of the zone.
--- BLACK OF DEATH 2013BLACK OF DEATH 2013 open/close
2013 version for the video series of actions made in various places in Tokyo, since 2008. In addition to footage taken in the ex-evacuation zone in Fukushima, which has been free to enter but still uninhabited, this video also includes footages of the rear side of the Tower of the Sun, Shibuya, and the likes.
ブラック・オブ・デスBLACK OF DERATH 2007/2013 ビデオ、9分13秒 展示風景:「Chim↑Pom展:ハッピースプリング」森美術館(東京)2022年 撮影:森田兼次 画像提供:森美術館2007/2013 Video, 9min.13sec. Installation view: Chim↑Pom: Happy Spring, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, 2022 Photo: Kenji Morita Photo courtesy: Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
ブラック・オブ・デスBLACK OF DERATH 2007/2013 ビデオ、9分13秒 展示風景:「NOT IN MY NAME」CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo(Israel)2022年 撮影:Eyal Agivayev 画像提供:CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo2007/2013 Video, 9min.13sec. Installation view: Group Exhibition: NOT IN MY NAME, CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, 2022 Photo: Eyal Agivayev Photo courtesy: CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
ブラック・オブ・デスBLACK OF DERATH 2007/2013 ビデオ、9分13秒 展示風景:「NOT IN MY NAME」CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo(Israel)2022年 撮影:Eyal Agivayev 画像提供:CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo2007/2013 Video, 9min.13sec. Installation view: Group Exhibition: NOT IN MY NAME, CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, 2022 Photo: Eyal Agivayev Photo courtesy: CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
ブラック・オブ・デスBLACK OF DERATH 2007/2013 ビデオ、9分13秒 展示風景:「NOT IN MY NAME」CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo(Israel)2022年 撮影:Eyal Agivayev 画像提供:CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo2007/2013 Video, 9min.13sec. Installation view: Group Exhibition: NOT IN MY NAME, CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, 2022 Photo: Eyal Agivayev Photo courtesy: CCA Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
--- BLACK OF DEATH open/close
東京に増殖したカラスたちを、東京の名所上 空に集める映像・写真作品。公園などで剥製を使って仲間をおびき寄せ、その際に録音した「仲間を呼ぶ」鳴き声を拡声器で流しながら、四方八方からたくさんのカラスを呼び集める。さらに、飛ぶスピードに合わせて車やバイクなどでカラスを牽引しながら集め回り、目的地まで走った。東京の名所各地で、カラスとともに記念撮影された写真は、まとめて東京名物のポストカードセットとして一般販売した。
Videos and photos of Chim↑Pom gathering the ever-proliferating crows over Tokyo’s landmarks.
In order to assemble crows from all quarters, Chim↑Pom walked around in parks with a stuffed crow and a megaphone amplifying the sound crows make to call others. Also a car or motorcycle was used to drive together with crows flying above, increasing their number on the way to each destination.
Photos taken at Tokyo’s landmarks were later packaged as a Tokyo souvenir postcard set.
BLACK OF DEATH (109の上空、渋谷、東京) 2007 ラムダプリント(117.5×78.5cm) Courtesy of the artist, ANOMALY and MUJIN-TO ProductionBLACK OF DEATH (above 109, Shibuya, Tokyo) 2007 lambda printt (117.5x78.5cm) Courtesy of the artist, ANOMALY and MUJIN-TO Production
BLACK OF DEATH─東京 2008 ポストカードセット(12枚組)BLACK OF DEATH - Tokyo 2008 postcard set(a set of 12 cards)
BLACK OF DEATH(国会議事堂の上空、永田町、東京) 2008 ラムダプリント(81×117.5cm) Courtesy of the artist, ANOMALY and MUJIN-TO ProductionBLACK OF DEATH (abobe the Diet Building, Nagatacho, Tokyo) 2008 Lambda print (81x117.5cm) Courtesy of the artist, ANOMALY and MUJIN-TO Production