2. 巣 (奈落)
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group
制作協力: 渡辺志桜里、トモトシ
2. Nest (Naraku)
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group
Jesmonite, soil, acrylic boxes, lights
Production Support: Shiori Watanabe, Tomotoshi
An old rat nest, which remains at the back entrance of
the Ohjo Building, is casted using jesmonite.

巣 (奈落)Nest (Naraku)
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

巣 (奈落)Nest (Naraku)
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

巣 (奈落)Nest (Naraku)
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita
4. The Making of the Naraku (セクション)
4. The Making of the Naraku (Section)
A collaboration with the third annual Kabukicho Festival. This festival is unique to Kabukicho, bringing together drag queens, pole dancers, burlesque and wheelchair dancers, and more. Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group invites these performers and records their performances in the naraku.
The first half of the film is shot when the naraku is closed, while the second half takes place in the atrium when the upper and lower sections are dismantled, connecting the space to the neighborhood and the sky. Still images by a photographer appointed by the performers are mixed in with a slideshow to emphasize that the naraku is "being created(made)" by them. The performers’ personal belongings are also displayed to document the entertainers' lifestyle through the installation as a whole. The culture of Kabukicho, embodied by show business,
has, in turn, produced a kind of reverse culture that gets close to the roots of kabuki. To begin with, the entertainment districts (kanrakugai) and the art of entertainment (geinoh) have such strong ties that kabuki and brothels are said to have been the "two most evil places" during the Edo period.
Izumo-no-Okuni, the founder of kabuki, first appeared as a parody within teahouse entertainment, and it was the jorou kabuki (women singing and dancing) in the brothels that spread its popularity. Since the performers were women, it is said that the kanji character for "ki" in kabuki at the time of its emergence used the “woman” (女) radical(妓).
The kabuki art form, which has its roots in the crossdressing of the Okuni Ichiza troupe, may also provide unique insight into the history of gender transgression, the subject of much discussion in recent years. The revolutionary nature of kabuki, which liberated the stage to the realm of people’s secular and queer sensibilities, caused various tensions within the values of the time. It can be said that the origins of kabuki is a history of battles against the prohibition of the art form by the ruling class.
【 ― The Making of the Naraku (セクション) 展示作品 ― 】
A. はじまり
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group+松田修
【 - Below are the exhibited works for the section 4. 】
A. The Beginning
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group + Osamu Matsuda
Video installation
A conversation between Oi-chan, who oversees casting for the Kabukicho Festival, and Ellie, who is friends with Oichan, is recorded and reconstructed by superimposing their voices onto Ellie’s mouth. Oi-chan is known in the industry as a unique casting director, but does not appear
much in the media. Focusing on the mysterious persona of Oi-chan, the video introduces the special qualities of the Kabukicho Festival and its performers.
B. 日本のドラァグクィーンのパイオニアのひとりであるMONDOが続けてきた「顔拓」。個人的な営みであり、作品として発表するのは本展が初めてとなる。布を支持体とする歌舞伎の隈取りと異なり、化粧を剥がし移した透明のテープを楽屋などにあった資料など紙の裏面に貼り付けてある。早くからメジャーシーンでドラァグクィーンを起用してきたMISIAとの繋がりなども読み取れる。
Video, 01:04:18 (duration)
B. MONDO, one of Japan’s pioneering drag queens, has been continuing gantaku, or face printing. This exhibition will be the first to feature MONDO's personal practice as an artwork. Unlike kabuki’s kumadori, which uses cloth as a support, makeup is peeled off and transferred onto transparent tape, which is pasted on the back of paper handouts found in dressing rooms. The work shows MONDO’s connection with MISIA, who has been featuring drag queens in the mainstream scene for many years.
C. アオイヤマダによるヌード写真。オリンピックや映画ようなオーバーグラウンドとアンダーグラウンドを往来する表現者。「穴」としての「奈落」に女性性や子宮を読み解き、「重要な役割を負いながらも表に出ない存在」に、身体と奈落を重ね合わせヌード撮影を展開。
Photo: 夢無子
C. Nude photographs by Aoi Yamada, who is an artist that spans the mainstream, such as the Olympics or movies, and the underground. Yamada interprets the naraku as a hole and sees its femininity and symbol as a uterus, developing nude photoshoots that overlap the body and the naraku as “existences that serve an important role but remain under the surface.”
Photo by Mumuko
D. 車椅子ダンサー・かんばらけんたはサーチライトを建物の脊椎として解釈し、脊椎が二分されて生まれてきた自身の身体に重ね合わせる。ビルに穴を開け、光が空に直線で伸びるようになるその経緯を「ビルの手術」になぞらえる。ここでは自身のレントゲン写真と、それを自身が着用するためにプリントした私物のTシャツを展示。
D. Wheelchair dancer Kenta Kambara, who is born with a bifurcated spine, interprets the searchlight as the building’s spine and sees a connection with his own body. He compares the process of cutting a hole in the building and allowing light to extend in a straight line into the sky to the “building’s surgery.” Here, he exhibits his x-ray photograph and a T-shirt he made for himself with the image printed on it.
E. The Making of the Naraku
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group
・アオイヤマダ × 夢無子 (photo)
・弁財天KUMI + 高村月 × RYO SATO (photo)
・平位蛙 × Amazing Jiro (特殊メイク) × ANNA FUJIWARA (photo)
・もしもしチューリップ (KUMI、山田ホアニータ、ちびもえこ) × ANNA FUJIWARA (photo)
・キリーシャクレイ × 宮原夢画 (photo)
E. The Making of the Naraku
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group
Multi-channel projection
Documentation of an action conducted by all performers at the naraku. The performance in the closed space, and that in the opened up space, where performers expand the notion of the naraku, intersect.
- Aoi Yamada x Mumuko (photo)
- Benzaiten KUMI + TukiTakamura x RYO SATO (photo)
- KELO Hirai x Amazing Jiro (special makeup effects) x
- Kenta Kambara
- MoshiMoshi CHULIP (KUMI, Yamada Hoanita, chibiMOEKO) x ANNA FUJIWARA (photo)
- Kily Shakley x Muga Miyahara (photo)
F. 「もしもしチューリップ」は電話をアイコンに架空の存在とのコミュニケーションを待ち続ける。前半に撮影した写真を広告物にして、後半、街でそれを不特定多数にばら撒き王城ビルの電話番号を拡散する。待ち受ける留守電までを含めたパフォーマンスである。
F. Using the telephone as an icon, MoshiMoshi CHULIP keeps waiting for communication with a fictional being. The photos taken in the first half are used as advertising material that is randomly scattered on the streets in the second half, spreading the telephone number of the Ohjo Building around. This performance even includes the answering machine waiting for calls.

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita
G. I ( アイ)
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group + KUMI + コンスタン・ヴォアザン
G. I
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group + KUMI + Constant Voisin
Video installation
In this exhibition, Benzaiten is played by the pole dancer KUMI. She has performed as Benzaiten together with Tuki Takamura at Yoshiwara, Kabukicho, and Nihonbashi, and says she feels ties with the worship of Benten at each of these places. KIMI plays the role of a divinity transcending “I,” but underlying this performance was a struggle with “I” as a third-generation Korean residing in Japan. She confessed that, when she performed at a festival on the
eve of the opening of the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics, she continued to question the relationship between what was a national project and her own status. The most direct confrontation with this thorny issue came when she danced to “Kimigayo,” the Japanese national anthem, in a supporting role in Sekai no Hate (which translates “the end of the world”), a work for which Tokyo Gegegay won first prize in the DANCE@HERO competition. This act was grounded in the bonds of trust with MIKEY, the troupe’s leader, and exerted an immense impact on KUMI from then on. However, the mental tussle resurfaced when the idea of dancing “Kimigayo” was raised again. The issue
was the subject of repeated discussion with Chim↑Pom and Constant Voisin, a French video artist residing in Japan, and the consultation continued right up to the day before the scheduled shooting. On that day, “Kimigayo” played in the naraku, and the camera recorded the expressions of both the KUMI staring at the performerless pole and the KUMI playing Benzaiten.
H. バーレスクダンサーのキリーシャクレイは、宝塚歌劇団で起きた奈落での事故死を元に撮影。演者にとって、奈落は舞
Photo: 宮原夢画
H. A video featuring the burlesque dancer Kily Shakley, based on the accidental death of a performer with the Takarazuka company after a fall into the naraku (theater basement). Although the naraku is a safe zone for performers because, unlike on the stage, they cannot be
seen by the audience there, it is also a dangerous one holding the risk of a fall. As a showgirl, Shakley talks about how, by getting on stage, performers are indeed risking their lives not only mentally but also physically.
Photo by Muga Miyahara

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:宮原夢画Photo: Muga Miyahara

撮影:宮原夢画Photo: Muga Miyahara
I. カラスやネズミの特殊メイクを用いるダンサーの平位蛙は、ネズミとして踊りながら街を徘徊する。
そのため周辺 (歌舞伎町の雑沓) は常に歪んでいる。
特殊メイク: Amazing Jiro
I. Using special makeup to look like a crow or rat, KELO Hirai wanders the streets as a rat and gets into the naraku through cracks in building walls and manholes. Footage of him slipping through openings is displayed here and there in the venue.
Special makeup: Amazing Jiro

神曲 ― LaDivinaCommediaLa Divina Commedia
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

神曲 ― LaDivinaCommediaLa Divina Commedia
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

神曲 ― LaDivinaCommediaLa Divina Commedia
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

Asshole of TokyoAsshole of Tokyo
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

Asshole of TokyoAsshole of Tokyo
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

Asshole of TokyoAsshole of Tokyo
撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita
8. 餌
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group
養殖場制作: 渡辺志桜里
映像制作: 福田亮
8. Feed
Chim↑Pom from Smappa!Group
Culture pond, video, restaurant
Culture pond production: Shiori Watanabe
Video production: Ryo Fukuda
Naraku also means “hell.” Inspired by the idea of “eat and be eaten,” this project consists of the culturing of doctor fish, which are fed on human corneous tissue, and their preparation as food served at Ningen Restaurant on the first floor. The show visitors and event participants can have the fish remove corneous tissue as long as they want.

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita

撮影:森田兼次Photo: Kenji Morita